CO2 reduction

50% Reduction of our carbon emissions in 2030 relative to 2021 levels

We wish to belong to the top 3 best CSR performers in our sector. In addition to continually improving the safety and health of the working environment, we have formulated four main targets on behalf of the climate:

Main targets

  • Our business operations are climate-neutral in 2035
  • Our working locations (offices and projects) are free of harmful emissions and residual waste in 2030
  • We design our products and projects in a circular way, re-use materials and build with circular materials in 2030
  • All our projects contribute to better soil quality and biodiversity in 2030

Practical reduction targets

Our ambition to work climate-neutral in 2035 results in the following goals to reduce carbon emissions:

  • We reduce our total gross carbon emissions in 2030 by 50% compared to 2021, related to the operating income
  • We reduce our carbon emissions paired with business travel by 50% per FTE in 2030 compared to 2016
  • We reduce the carbon emissions in the value chain for the production and commissioning of catenary supports of circular concrete by 55% in 2030 compared to 2023
  • We reduce the carbon emissions in the value chain for the production of ballast and ballasting tracks by 50% in 2030 compared to 2023

We have set annual ambitions per scope to reach these goals. Please click here to check this in further detail. We will adjust the ambitions when we achieve our targets earlier.

Our energy management plan according to NEN-EN 16001 helps us to continually improve the efficient use of energy. The energy management system is part of our integral management system and involves all activities and projects of the company.

CSR Policy Statement, Reduction targets and Energy Management Programme

CSR Policy Statement

Reduction targets

Energy management programme

Latest CO2 progress report

CO2 Progress Report 2023 – Q4

CO2 Progress Report 2023 – Q2

CO2 Progress Report 2022

Other CO2 progress reports are available on our Dutch website.

Reduction in the chain

We are active in a great variety of sustainable initiatives and developments in our sector. Examples include:

When making investments, we include the CO2 effects in our plans.

Your contribution!

Do you have ideas for sustainable developments? We welcome them! Send us your suggestions, ideas or proposals by e-mail.

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