Due to the turbulent situation in the past years, it is only now, in December 2023, that Strukton files the 2021 financial report. The result of 2021 is in line with the expectation as reported in November 2023. With the 2021 accounts now available, we have taken a considerable step forward. We anticipate that the audited accounts for 2022 and 2023 will be available before and immediately after the summer of 2024, respectively.
In the first half of 2023, the previous CEO and shareholder was suspended and the shares were transferred to a temporary custodian. In July 2023, a new Executive Board was appointed by the Supervisory Board. The assignment of the new Board is bringing back (financial) stability in the organisation. To do so, Strukton initiated several measures to strengthen the capital base, restore the confidence of stakeholders and take on and carry out contracts in a responsible way.
The 2021 net results were negative at EUR 181.6 million (2020: EUR 198.4 million negative), which was mainly caused by several large projects from the past and especially significant write-offs on the RIVM project and the Hoofdstation Groningen project.
The auditor has given a disclaimer of opinion related to the audit of the comparative figures of 2020. The disclaimer does not relate to the 2021 figures. For a better understanding of today’s situation, the results should be seen together with the 2022 and 2023 results, as presented in November 2023.
The 2023 figures up to and including Q3 show a modest positive EBIT of around EUR 10 million (1%) at a revenue of almost EUR 1 billion and a capital ratio based on the guarantee capital of around 7%.
We are highly grafeful for the trust, contribution and commitment of our clients, partners and colleagues during this highly challenging phase of Strukton enabling us to continue our mission towards a sustainable infrastructure in Europe.