
Good business practices, integrity, respect, transparent reporting and accountability are leading aspects of our business.

We owe our success to our core competencies in the implementation of projects and to always acting ethically correct and with integrity. In all operating companies, we insist on integrity in doing business.

Strukton All Right

Strukton All Right is the title of our policy of acting with integrity. With this programme, we use training courses, presentation and internal communication to pay attention to our company culture to increase employee awareness about ethical rules, authorisations, compliance with legislation and regulations and risk management. We have various rules and by-laws indicating the framework for the performance and operations.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct Honest Business Practice sets out the key rules that Strukton imposes for fair and just business. It helps determine what is fair and just at work, in addition to the existing local legislation. The code has an integral structure, clearly connecting into various existing policy documents and rules, including the policy for dealing with gifts and invitations, the policy for countering bribes and corruption and the regulations regarding undesirable behaviour. The regulations regarding undesirable behaviour allow employees to report any actual or suspected irregularities to a confidential counsellor. Additionally, we offer employees the possibility to anonymously report any suspected abuse of or non-compliance with the regulations.


The below links lead to a selection of the documents related to our Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct Honest Business Practice

CSR Policy Statement

CSR principles for suppliers

Gifts and Entertainment Policy

Anti-Corruption Policy

Reporting Policy

Further information

Do you wish to know more about the Strukton All Right Integrity Programme? The compliance officers will be happy to tell you more:

Compliance Officers

Strukton Groep

Willem-Jan Wieland, Chief Legal Officer & member of the Executive board, (

Jan-Maurits Hoijtink (

Strukton Rail Nederland

Ingrid de Jong (

Strukton Infrastructure Specialties and Strukton Roads & Concrete

Jan van de Riet (

Strukton Rail Nordics

Sheila Skog (

Strukton Rail Italy (Clf)

Guiseppi Perri