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CO2 reduction in 2023

To get straight to the point: The CO2 reduction we reached in 2023 does not fulfil our ambition. With a total gross carbon footprint of 37,806 tons CO2 in 2023 (2022: 37,885 tons), we reduced 94 tons (or 0.13%). This is a limited absolute reduction. Relative to sales, we did fulfil our target; the relative reduction in 2023 amounted to 3.6%.

Given the disappointing absolute reduction, we will have a lot of work to do to reach our sustainability targets for the long term. One of these targes is a 50% reduction of our carbon footprint in 2030 compared to 2021. This is ambitious, but necessary to fulfil the Paris Climate Agreement.


The fact that our 2023 reduction was less than desired, does not mean that nothing has happened. We are doing a lot to reduce the carbon footprint, both in our projects and in the chain, but the effect of many measures becomes visible only in the long run. It will take some time, for example, before the electrification of lease cars and business cars will become visible in our footprint.

Measures in our projects need time to become visible as well. In 2023, we started to deploy zero emission and low emission equipment and apply sustainable power supply at project sites. These methods are still at an early stage and we are learning lessons together with chain partners. The investments involved will lead to visible reduction in the long term. Initiatives for circularity in infrastructure projects (e.g. Closing the Loopcircular concrete for catenary constructions and resuse of points) require investments that we have to make now to reduce later.

Progress report

More about the targets, initiatives, measures and progress for reduction of the carbon footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3) in 2023, can be read in the 2023 progress report.

Open the progress report

Confident to reduce

We are confident that we will meet our targets towards 2030-2035 and ask everone to contribute. Do you have ideas or suggestions? Bring them forward through

Sustainability targets

Check our long-term sustainability targets and short-term ambitions

CO2 reduction

Sustainability at Strukton


Photo used in this announcement: A first with bamboo sleepers

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